Saturday, May 19, 2018

English Sentences : The What and How to Communicate

When we speak or write in any language, we use words - a bunch of words, with a proper order and arrangement. The proper word order and arrangements are required to convey the exact meaning which we intend to. Thus a sentence is formed. So, we can grossly say, a sentence is a bunch of words placed together with a proper order and arrangement to convey a specific meaning.

Now, it is required to understand, how many purposes can be served by a sentence : 

1. Just to make a statement , i.e. to state or declare a fact --

E.g. Rohit is elder than Ram

2. To ask a question -- 

E.g. Who is elder in between Ram and Rohit ?

3.  To give an order -- 

E.g. Don't drive the car so fast.

4. To make a request -- 

E.g. a)  May I borrow your pen please ?
       b)   Would you please get me some sugar from the grocery store ?

5. To make an exclamation (exclamation means emotion or feeling)  --
An exclamatory sentence differs from a fact stating or declarative sentence by the usage of emotion or feeling. Therefore, in an exclamatory sentence, an exclamation mark (!) is used.

E.g. a) How fast the car is travelling ! (Surprise)
       b) I am really going to miss this place ! (Sorrow)
       c) You were meant to return home in the last week only ! (Anger, Disgust)
       d) Finally, we won the match ! (Happiness, Joy)

So, considering the above sentence structures, we can notice that sentence structure is different in each case. Therefore, it is evident that sentence structure varies basis what we intend to convey and how we would like to do that.

Next Post: In our next post, we shall start discussing the sentence structure. Stay tuned with us !!


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